Composite Veneers
Composite veneers are utilized for multiple purposes, like to improve the color, size, texture and shape of teeth. These veneers make teeth look more attractive. Minor chips and cracks in teeth can also be fixed by composite veneers. Composite veneers differ from porcelain veneers in terms of less of tooth reduction (if required) and in number of visits. The treatment of composite veneers can be completed in a single visit. Making a composite veneer is a creative job. Composite material is applied on the front side of the tooth and sculpted to the required shape.
Then acid is used to etch the front surfaces of the teeth to chemically coarsen the surface of the teeth which helps the composite material to adhere to the surface of the teeth.
Multiple dental problems can be treated by using a technique of composite veneers. A few commonly treated cases are damaged teeth, crooked teeth, stained teeth, teeth with gap in between them. Composite veneers are created if teeth have got damaged by acidic erosion (overdrinking of aerated drinks) or merely if chipped accidently. In such cases, this procedure gives minimally invasive and cost effective solution.
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1. Crooked teeth: A patient with crooked teeth can obtain a perfect sparkling white smile with composite veneer. An orthodontic treatment, followed by teeth whitening and composite veneers can get the patient perfect teeth.
2. Stained teeth: Some patients have undesirable stains, white patches on their teeth, and/or show discolouration of the teeth. Such problems seem difficult to be treated only with a dental clean or teeth whitening. Composite veneers can be an ideal solution for them.
3. Closing gaps between teeth: Composite veneers is most commonly used to close gaps between the front teeth or also between other teeth. This may be a single sitting treatment and has found to be very cost effective as compared to porcelain veneers or orthodontic treatment.
Durability of composite veneers:
Following factors determine the durability of composite veneers:
1. The type of composite material used
2. The post-care
3. Habits of the patient, such as if the patient continued to drink a lot of aerated drinks and has a habit of grinding teeth then this reduces their longevity
4. Composite veneers can last between 2 – 5 years.
Alternatives to composite veneers:
Causal cosmetic complaints may decide if there can be an alternative to composite veneers. However, following options are available as an option to composite veneers:
• Porcelain restorations such as veneers and crowns
• Orthodontic treatments to close gaps and straighten crooked teeth.
It is very important for patients to discuss with their cosmetic dentist about all possible options, along with their pros and cons.
1. Patients’ suitability for composite veneers is checked during consultation with the cosmetic dentists.
2. Key point to be taken care of while initiating any cosmetic treatment is absence of any active gum disease or inflammation.
3. The desired colour of the final teeth needs to be decided during a consultation- prior to any veneer procedure.
4. Patients wanting to have whiter teeth need to have teeth whitening done prior to placing the veneers and then the veneers can be colour matched to the adjacent natural teeth.
5. In order to maintain a white smile, patients may need to top up their teeth whitening regularly.
6. Patients generally undergo thorough cleaning of their teeth to remove surface build up of plaque or calucus, which provides a clean surface for the veneers.
7. Then the teeth are thoroughly dried and isolated from the rest of the oral parts using a rubber block to ensure there isn’t any moisture or saliva present which could interfere with the veneer material.
8. Then acid is used to etch the front surfaces of the teeth to chemically coarsen the surface of the teeth which helps the composite material to adhere to the surface of the teeth.
9. It is followed by application of bonding agent (glue) to the surface of the etched teeth, and composite material is added gradually layer by layer to build up the tooth.
10. A repeated process of addition, removal and sculpting of composite material followed by polishing is used to create the final veneer.
11. The creative skills of the cosmetic dentist influence the final results in cosmetic veneers.