Cheek Implants

Cheek Implants

Cheek Implants


Implants used over the face are usually undertaken to enhance the beauty of the face or change the shape and contour of certain facial features. Commonly they can be undertaken over the cheeks, chin or jaw line. The surgery may be elective or opted for by the patient, or needed as the result of prior surgery or trauma on the face.

Before the operation the cosmetic surgeon needs to ascertain your complete physical mental well being. This is accompanied by a discussion on the outcome of the surgery. Computer simulated images may be shown to decide on the appropriateness and extent of surgery needed. Among the things the surgeon will need to know is if you have had either cosmetic or reconstructive facial surgery before.

Surgical Procedure

Most facial cheek implant surgeries are conducted under local anesthesia with an oral sedative to help you relax. Some may need general anesthesia that puts them to sleep during the operation. The length of surgery will depend on which part of your face is affected, but it commonly lasts between one to two hours.

We have all the information you need about public and private Cosmetic / Plastic clinics that provide Cheek Implants in Iran, Islamic Republic Of.
Cheek Implants

Recovery from these operations is relatively fast and free of complications.

For cheek implants an incisional approach is made from the inside of the upper lip or via the lower lid. The cheek implants are placed internally between the tissues and the incision is secured with sutures that will dissolve in about one week. The procedure takes one to two hours. For a chin implant the approach is through the lower lip, or under your chin. As with the cheek implant, sutures will vary depending on whether they’re internal or external. The procedure takes 30 minutes to an hour.

Recovery and Post operative considerations

Recovery from these operations is relatively fast and free of complications. You should need only to take one week off from work, at most. You should plan to have someone drive you home from the hospital. If you live alone, you should also plan to have someone stay with you at least the first night once you’re home. This is because there is some drowsiness that persists due to the anesthesia.

Make sure to wear a loose blouse or shirt that does not have to be pulled over your face. Your surgeon will instruct you on which foods and medications to avoid before and after facial implant surgery. If you are a smoker, your surgeon may ask you to quit smoking for a certain period before and after the surgery.

For immediate post operative pain and bruising pain reliever medications, ice packs etc. are prescribed. To prevent infections regular dressing of the wound may be needed as are oral antibiotics for the first few days.

Common complications are bruising and swelling, pain, infection etc. Rare complaints are shifting of the facial implant. If this happens, you may have to undergo a follow-up operation.

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